PREORDER Buying Clubs

Discount codes are not eligible for buying clubs, as clubs already receive the lowest price possible. 

**Please enter your buying club name in the "Notes" section, so we know where to send your seafood. You may use your own mailing address at checkout, even though your order will ship to your group coordinator.**

This item is only available to groups who have already contacted us about forming a buying group. The minimum order to form a Buying Club is 100 lbs. of seafood. 

For more information about how to form a buying club, please see our Buying Clubs page. 

To order more than 5 lbs. of an item, adjust the quantity field. For example, if you'd like 20 lbs. of the 6-8 oz. sockeye portions, enter a quantity of 4, since they come in 5 lb. increments. Each item will show a weight next to it. 

Everything besides salmon fillets is now sold in 5 pound increments. Salmon fillets are sold in 10 pound increments. 

Sockeye salmon 1-2 lb. fillets (feed 3-4): $20/lb. 
Sockeye salmon 6-8 oz. portions (feed 1-2) $20/lb. 
Sockeye salmon 3.5- 5.5 oz. portions (feed 1) $20/lb. 
Salmon burger 8 oz. packs (feed 1-2) $13/lb.
*NOTE: Sockeye salmon burger does not come in premade patties. It comes in burger form, ready to make your own burgers. It looks very similar to sockeye salmon portions in the package, but will come with a different label. Salmon burger is the sweet meat scraped from the frame of the sockeye salmon after filleting. It's perfect for making salmon burgers, tacos, and fish cakes. 
Cod 6 oz. portions: $23/lb. 
Halibut 6-8oz portions: $37/lb
Sablefish (aka black cod) 6-8 oz. portions: $24/lb. 
*NOTE: The delicacy of sablefish meat precludes complete de-boning. Your fish will contain some bones or fragments.
Smoked Salmon 5 oz. portions: $36/lb. Hot smoked the old school way over an open flame. It's the best. 

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