June 19, 2019
The season has officially begun! Our launch date changed from the 16th to today (there's always more to do than you think when it comes to boats), but the F/V Sofia is now floating in the Naknek River. They'll spend a day here to make sure everything runs well before heading to the (even more remote) village of Egegik. I asked Mike to send a photo of the launch, and he replied with "I'm driving a boat. I can't take photos."' So, above is a photo of what it looks like to launch a boat that looks very similar to ours. Tractors haul the boat out of the yard, and drop it off into the river with many other boats watching. It's a bit high pressure.
The past week has been especially busy and has presented a few challenges, but now we're looking good. We lost one crew member due to incompatibility- preseason boat work is a bit of a trial period to make sure the crew all gets along before spending two months on a 32-foot boat together. In the end, Johnny left on good terms, and we found another very experienced fisherman named Peter that we're excited about. He seems like a great match, so here's to hoping everyone gets along great.
Sockeye salmon are slowly starting to trickle in. The first few openers (the time period the Alaska Department of Fish and Game allows the fishermen to fish) have been slow, but will surely pick up soon. Sockeye salmon returns elsewhere in the start are strong, confirming Alaska's excellent model for sustainable fisheries is working well. When the fish come, we'll be ready!
We send these detailed updates so you can get a picture of what life is like on a commercial fishing boat in Bristol Bay. Our hope is that by painting a clear picture, you'll feel closer to your seafood. We hope to send an update every week.
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March 27, 2023