Decadent and delicious, our sablefish is a real treat!
Serving Size: 3.5 oz. (100g) Cooked, Edible Portion Calories 250 Protein 17g Total Fat 20g Saturated Fat 4g Sodium 70mg Cholesterol 65mg Omega-3 Fatty Acids 1800mg
The fish was top quality and I appreciated the recipe. Delicious!
We grilled this on our little George Foreman “naked” with just a little Crisco (yes, bad - I know!!) on the plates, then preheated. It was just perfect.m when the green light came on.
Tender, flakey, buttery and cooked through properly. I even enjoyed the skin - crunchy. I guess its ok to eat that? Can’t wait to do it again. As tasty as fresh-caught. So happy we learned of you through Lou Kifer.