9 Facts about our Wild Alaska Salmon

April 06, 2016

9 Facts about our Wild Alaska Salmon

1. We fish in Bristol Bay, the largest sockeye salmon fishery in the world and the most valuable salmon fishery in Alaska. Bristol Bay alone provides 40% of America's wild-caught seafood.

2. Our salmon is harvested sustainably. Every aspect of Alaska’s fisheries has been strictly regulated, closely monitored and rigidly enforced for nearly five decades to ensure we have healthy fisheries for future generations to enjoy.

3. It's local. 91% of the seafood Americans eat is imported. Most of the imports are farmed fish and shrimp of much lower quality than our local supply.

4. It's only frozen once. One third of the seafood America catches is exported. A lot of the exported seafood is wild-caught salmon that's frozen whole and shipped to China for processing. Then it's thawed out, filleted, refrozen and sent back to us. How's that for food miles?

5. It's a superfood. The American Heart Association recommends at least 2 servings of fish (particularly fatty fish like salmon) per week. Wild-caught salmon is packed with heart healthy Omega-3s.

6. Our salmon is great for moms. Studies prove it's critical for expecting mothers to consume plenty of Omega-3s in order to get an Omega-3 derivative called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which helps build the developing brain.

7. Frozen is Fresher. Our salmon is handpicked and cooled immediately. Then, it's brought to shore where it's processed and blast frozen. This process locks in the just- caught taste for you to enjoy year-round and we guarantee it tastes better than any "fresh" salmon in the supermarket. This process also makes it 100% safe to eat raw.

8. We fish for sockeye salmon. There are 5 species of Wild Alaska Salmon. Sockeye salmon is prized for it's rich, red color, firm fillets, and delicious flavor. There's also Chinook (King) Salmon, Keta Salmon, Coho (Silver) Salmon, and Pink Salmon.

9. We're the smart source for your seafood. A recent study found 43% of seafood sampled to be mislabeled. Most of the mislabeling (69%) consisted of farmed salmon being labeled as wild product. When you buy from us, you know exactly what you're getting.

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